Enhance your beef herd’s performance the right way
Fabiano Alvim Barbosa
Product Developer Ruminants
MaxMeat, a grower and finisher plan
A carefully tailored solution
Get in touch with our expertsDeveloping your cattle all year round
As a beef farmer, success is all about well-performing cattle. But with several factors influencing performance and feed efficiency, this can be hard to achieve. How can you create the ideal conditions for your cattle that will ensure better performance and high-quality meat production?
MaxMeat: a grower and finisher plan
De Heus’ MaxMeat Plan is designed to optimise your herd's performance, by maximising the average daily gain and enhancing carcass development and meat quality. Our plan considers your herds' nutritional requirements, as well as the optimal management strategies and environmental circumstances that will maximise growth and efficiency.
Our plan will help you:
- Achieve a higher average daily gain during the growing and fattening phases
- Improve carcass development and meat quality
- Optimise your farm’s profitability
- Increase the stocking rate and productivity
- Minimise degraded land and deforestation
Matching pasture quality with your herd's nutritional needs
Steers and heifers require optimal amounts of energy, protein, minerals and vitamins according to their stage in the productive cycle. Addressing these specific requirements, along with the correct grass quality and availability and the recommended supplements, can increase your herd's productivity.
Discover the full range of MaxMeat productsAdapt your nutritional strategy to the season and the animal's growth phase
The MaxMeat plan delivers real results for your cattle by considering the complete, year-round development cycle. Adapting your nutritional strategy according to the season and the animals’ growth phase can help improve weight gain while maximising the use of available feed resources. Unlike equivalent programmes, the MaxMeat Plan is tailored to your animals’ specific requirements as well as the available grass.
Contributing to a better planet
Studies demonstrate that strategies such as grassland management, increasing supplementation (grazing system), raising concentrate levels (feedlot) and using specific additives can reduce CH4 emissions. The MaxMeat Plan incorporates each of these approaches to reduce your herd’s carbon footprint and help safeguard the planet for future generations.
FAQ MaxMeat
Frequently asked questions
Many things can affect carcass and meat quality on a farm, including genetic, management and nutritional factors. External influences can also interfere with meat quality during transport, slaughter and post-slaughter stages.
Read more about the three factors that influence meat quantity and quality
Optimising the effects of diet quality, environment and additives can help improve performance and feed efficiency, driving superior outcomes for your growing or finishing cattle. Balanced nutrients (protein, energy, fibre, minerals and vitamins) should be used properly to improve rumen function and gut health.
Your steers or heifers require specific amounts of energy, protein, minerals and vitamins, depending on their specific stage in the productive cycle. For the best results combine these nutritional requirements with the optimal grass quality and availability, as well as the recommended supplements to increase your herd’s productivity.
Read more about the right nutritional strategy for your beef herd's performance
Strategies such as grassland management, increasing supplementation (grazing system), raising concentrate levels (feedlot) and using specific additives can all contribute to reducing CH4 and other GHG emissions.